Jukebox Comparison Matrix

The following table compares total costs over a 10 year term for a typical jukebox. The dis-advantages of using downloading digital jukeboxes increase even more if a jukebox is in operation for more than 10 years (as their high operating costs will always remain)
  JukeANator Standalone
Digital Jukebox

(more info)
"Old School" Standalone
Audio CD Jukebox
Downloading Digital Jukebox
Gross Jukebox Earnings1
$91,000 $91,000 $91,000
Cost for Downloading Digital
Jukebox Music Subscription
(operator/bar owner purchased
content added manually)
(operator/bar owner purchased
content added manually)
(assuming per week cost of $66)3
Cost for Paid Public Performance
Licensing (per U.S. Copyright Law)
$2,7505 $4,7606 N/A (included with music subscription)7
Remaining Revenue to Jukebox Operator/Bar Owner
$88,250 $86,240 $56,680
100% Music Content Control by Jukebox Operator/Bar Owner Yes Yes No
100% Cash-based Yes Yes No
Available for Non-Commercial/Home Use Yes Yes No8
Has Capacity for more than 100 Albums Yes No Yes
Has Few Moving Parts Yes No Yes
Has Web/Mobile App Remote Interface Yes9 No Yes
  1. This comparison assumes average weekly earnings of $175 over a 10 year period for each type of jukebox (By virtue of each type jukebox having the same total number of song plays and same cost per song play over these 10 years)
  2. TouchTunes/ECast/Rowe AMI downloading digital jukeboxes require a music subscription/service agreement that authorizes their jukeboxes to stream/download songs from a central music subscription service.
  3. Estimated total cost (over a 10 year period) for the music subscription/service agreement. NOTE: There are 2 flavors: a Fixed Rate Program and a 20% Program. Each has a $99.95 per week maximum and this comparison assumes that a per week averge of $66)
  4. Commercial jukeboxes need to be licensed for public performances of copyrighted works per U.S. Copyright Law Section 17 (See: Public Performances) ASCAP, BMI and SESAC are Performing Rights Organizations whose members comprise a vast majority of the copyrighted works found in jukeboxes. These organizations offer license agreements for varying types of usage of these copyrighted works.
  5. Digital Jukebox Techologies LLC. has agreements with ASCAP/BMI/SESAC for a new class of standalone digital jukeboxes (that employ software like JukeANator and do not download/stream/duplicate copyrighted works) and covers the cost of this song licensing on a yearly basis for $275 per year.
  6. The Jukebox License Office also has agreements with ASCAP/BMI/SESAC for jukeboxes, but per changes in their 2007 agreement, there are exclusions that prevent jukeboxes from "employing hard drives". As of 01-01-2015, per http://www.jukeboxlicense.com/2015_ratesheet_standard.html, the cost for a JLO license for a single jukebox is $476 per year.
  7. TouchTunes/ECast/Rowe AMI already include the cost of paying ASCAP/BMI/SESAC for the public performance licensing through their music subscription/service agreement.
  8. Since downloading digital jukeboxes can only operate with a central music server, a music subscription and service agreement is required. Furthermore, these service agreements state that these jukeboxes be used for commercial use only). However, these jukeboxes can be converted to standalone use via a JukeANator Conversion Kit)
  9. JukeANator can be configured to expose a web-based interface for administration or browsing song content. If patrons are so lazy that they can't walk 15 feet to a jukebox to play music, then I guess I will sadly develop a mobile app for them to do that...